The Bittersweet Podcast

The Bittersweet Podcast

The Bittersweet Podcast is an audio experience curated by iconic Melbourne-based duo Wintana and Rahel. The name itself foreshadows the casual exploration the pair encourage in each episode.

Just like the flavours of ‘bitter’ and ‘sweet’, Wintana and Rahel offer contrasting but equally strong flavours in each episode.

“We decided on the name bittersweet because a lot of the topics that we cover are bittersweet. There’re always two sides to every story. A lot of the things we speak about can be very complex and not just black and white. We thought that it was appropriate and it's also just the type of name that rolls off your tongue,” Rahel told KOS Magazine.

Podcasts have become the ‘it’ mainstream form of media over the past few years, yet still, Wintana and Rahel felt there was a gap in the industry: this being a lack of representation of Australia’s multicultural population. The Bittersweet Podcast was an attempt to try and introduce conversations often dismissed due to the absence of diversity in Australian media.

“Growing up I didn’t see people in the media that looked like me or stories I could relate to. We created Bittersweet to fill this gap,” Wintana said.

“Our topics are centred around race, identity politics and relationships.”

"These aren’t new topics but they’re coming from the perspective of two black women which we don’t see a lot in Australian media. Our platform provides an opportunity for people outside our community to understand our stories and for those within our community to feel seen and heard.”

Rahel Davies (left) and Wintana Kidane (right)

Rahel Davies (left) and Wintana Kidane (right)

Both women hope sharing their personal experiences will shed light on certain topics and invite their listeners to continue the conversation. While some subjects may be sensitive or generally avoided in mainstream media because they’re too ‘touchy’, Wintana and Rahel try to explore all angles of the argument while staying honest to their beliefs.

Discussing the bitter and sweet sides of topics may not always end in agreement, but the Bittersweet Podcast welcomes differences in opinions. The co-hosts believe contradicting opinions on certain issues can facilitate well-rounded debates.

“Wintana and I are both individuals and we don't think the same way. We don't see the world in the same way. So, of course, there are some things that we have contradicting opinions on. I think we encourage openness and comfortable, safe space for people to think whatever they want,” Rahel said.

Wintana agreed with Rahel saying, “Our beliefs and opinions are generally a product of our upbringing and sometimes we fail to appreciate other perspectives or acknowledge our own biases. Personally, I think having open conversations is the best way to learn and gain new perspectives.”

The global pandemic has caused major disruptions to the creative industry. In such a social and collaborative field, the cancellation of live events and fewer opportunities to network has discouraged many from pursuing creative adventures. Wintana and Rahel initially struggled in lockdown but found ways to stay motivated.

Wintana describes the rollercoaster of 2020 saying, “When we had just started tapping into the idea of having live panels and holding community events, to get to know our audience more, it was all affected by the COVID-19. We also had to stop recording from the studio and started recording from home, over zoom, which added another layer of frustration.”

With so much disruption, Wintana still acknowledges the positives.

“One thing I learnt during this process is how to adapt. I was fixated on being consistent, that I neglected how I was feeling and eventually burnt out. Try not to compare yourself to what others are doing and take your time.”

“The lack of stimulation can make it really difficult for people to get their creative juices flowing. I know, that was definitely quite an issue for Wintana and myself,” Rahel added.

“On the other hand, it had a somewhat positive impact on some people. The time alone to really focus on your craft has helped people really reflect on what they want to do and exactly where they want their creative work to go. In terms of advice, I think, just persevere. Follow your passions, connect with people and build your networks.”

Apart from the nitty-gritty starting off their brand, some of their challenges came from within. Sharing your opinions and beliefs into the internet’s void can be intimidating, but Wintana and Rahel encourage each other and their audience to remain honest.

“One of the challenges that we’ve come across when discussing controversial or challenging topics is really just being completely transparent in how we feel. I try not to change my opinion based on what I think people are going to say or think about me. I like to be a really honest and open person. It can be hard when you have a platform and know people are listening but  that’s the whole point of bittersweet.” Rahel said.

The Bittersweet Podcast has grown to something Wintana and Rahel are very proud of. Despite the unpredicted journey, they agree that it’s exactly what’s gotten them to the stage they’re at right now. The two women credit their success to the self-confidence they’ve built over the years.

“Don’t be afraid to fail, it will most likely happen and that’s ok. Sometimes you’ll get caught up in competing and comparing yourself, instead focus on your own journey, there’s room for everyone to succeed.” Wintana said.

The Bittersweet Podcast is available on all streaming platforms, including Spotify & Apple Podcasts. You can follow them on Instagram @bittersweet.podcast and Facebook at The Bittersweet Podcast.


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